Global Warming
Climate is the pattern of weather over the long term.
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Global Warming

Climate is the pattern of weather over the long term. The climate has always changed, getting warmer and cooler over years.Though climate change isn't new, the speed with which the climate is changinng is. Global warming is a term used to describe the increase in average global temperatures due to the greenhouse effect.

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Greenhouse Effect

Climate change can negatively affect the earth’s delicate ecosystems. Global warming has been linked to dying coral reefs, dangerous new weather patterns and the extinction of plant and animal species.

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Air Pollutants

Biodiesel fuel almost eliminates the air pollution caused by petroleum based fuels. Toxins that can cause cancer are virtually cut to zero by the use of biodiesel fuel instead of regular diesel fuel. There is far less sulphur in biodiesel fuel, so the smell is also greatly reduced. Some have even reported a pleasant smell from the combustion of biodiesel, such as doughnuts or french fries. There is also less soot from biodiesel combustion than with petroleum fuels.